Multi-discipline engineering and equipment 
consulting company with a wide range 
of experience and capabilities


The following are some of the projects completed by U.S. Oilfield:

Amoco Canada
Cutbank Gas Plant 
Grande Prairie 
Alberta Energy

New 1.5 MBTU 
line heater skid
Amoco Canada
Installation of two 
new gas turbines 
and interconnecting piping
Oil Battery - New oil inlet header building
Paragon Petroleum
Supply used tank
Photo shows the removal
of the exiting 1500 bbl
tank at Renaissance's Hayter Battery
Phillips Petroleum 
Red Earth - Refurbished dehy.
Winfield Energy
Grassey Lake Oil Battery
Supply of four 500 bbl used Tanks. Photo shows the loading of the two existing tanks from Amoco's Wolfe Lake Heavy Oil Plant.
Phillips Petroleum
Sylvan Lake Gas Plant - Rebuilt 1400 hp Gas Compressor.
M.L. Cass Petroleum
Supply 75 gpm Amine Plant and piping modifications